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Carrot Lox
For those of you who follow me on social media you will know I have been struggling along with Plantar Fasciitis. Who else has this? Well only two weeks after I put up the post I am happy to report it is pretty much almost gone. I can feel slight twinges of it now and again so will not let my guard down. After being super diligent to add enough foods containing phytoestrogens into my daily diet I am happy to say it’s on the mend. I will keep on adding these foods forever and be diligent about it as they also sport so many other health benefits.
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Carrot Zucchini Pasta with Adzuki Bean Balls and Leek and Lemon Sauce
Forgive me everyone for skipping the last two weeks. I was all consumed in facilitating the Vegan Chef Training and getting in my final assignment for my post grad nutrition degree. Last Saturday was the last day of the vegan chef training for 2021 and it culminated with Jesika and Andrea’s graduation where they served up a 4 course meal including three different desserts. I was so proud of what they achieved. Usually we have eight people graduate but this year just two so they had to do double the work with getting the graduation planned. They planned the whole menu and it was sensational. I am so proud to say that there are now two more wonderful vegan chefs going out into the world. The official photos won’t be ready until the end of June but here are a few sneak preview ones.
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