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Gluten Free

Fun Snacks
Two weeks ago I spent a fun filled week with one of my nieces and one of my nephews. We went on daily outings and only on one of those days did we eat out (we went to Sweetbones Café in Canberra), all the other days we packed up our picnic lunch. On one of those days there was a fire in Queanbeyan and when we got there found out that the swimming pool was closed, so we decided to go home for our picnic before going off to bowling.
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Gluten Free Gnocchi
This is week four of my new schedule where I post a recipe request or a recipe someone in the vegan cooking courses has developed. A couple of Vegan Foundation Cooking Courses ago the lovely Jayne and Wendy made a delicious sweet potato gnocchi and I promised them I would develop a good gluten free gnocchi recipe to share with them when I got a spare moment.
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chocolate banana raisin cake
Prior to going on my holiday I found my well loved copy of Zorba the Buddha Cookbook. I had misplaced it for more than a year and was really missing it. When I found it I was almost tempted not to go on holiday so I could recreate all the recipes and make them vegan as a lot of the recipes in Zorba the Buddha are laden with dairy. I resisted staying home but on return from India I started experimenting. This is the second recipe I have adapted and it’s a winner.
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Baked Kale
For years people have been juicing, loading their smoothies and eating kale raw. I was led to believe that the natural oxalates found on kale can inhibit the absorption of iron and other essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. As a result I generally never eat it raw. Just wilting it can remove the oxalates and this fabulous recipe I share with you this week will definitely rid the lush green kale leaves of the oxalates.
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Vegan Makhanwala and Okra Curry
As I start to wind down the last week of work before I go on my yearly visit to India I feel a curry recipe is called for, so I am sharing with you two recipes. I adapted the first recipe earlier this year and had planned on sharing with you all then but somehow spaced it out. So here is Mak’s (my beloved’s) favourite curry recipe. He used to eat this at a restaurant called Prem’s in Pune India, in those days he was vegetarian and not yet vegan. The original recipe has paneer and lots of cream however he was equally happy with this vegan version of it.
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