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Poha Recipe

What makes Poha a stand-out breakfast is the combination of rice flakes, peas and peanuts. In the past I substituted pecans for peanuts until it recently dawned on me that this recipe has been made for hundreds and hundreds of years in Gujarat, India and they knew exactly what they were doing nutritionally.

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I have just finished facilitating the third day of the raw cuisine module of the vegan chef training. This also is a stand alone module so once people have finished the foundation course they are welcome to come and attend the raw cuisine course too and what a treat you will be in for. We have made sensational food over the last three days with another day to go. One of the extension recipes is so good and it definitely has been a while between drinks (or should I say between raw treats), that’s for sure. I wasn’t able to teach this module last year so I haven’t made this treat for 19 months and I can’t believe I had forgotten how deadly (that means ‘awesome’ in the NT where I grew up) it really is. It’s so good that I feel the world needs to have access to the recipe.
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