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Spud Bites
If you are raising your children on a plant based/vegan diet or your children have told you they don’t want to eat animals anymore or you have a toddler and you want to ensure they eat well and the food you include in their diet meets all their nutritional needs then send me an email as I am presently working on a fact sheet for ‘Food for Toddlers and Children’ and I will put you on the wait list and send it out to you as soon as it is completed.
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Royal Bubble and Squeak
My apologies to those who love receiving my newsletter on a weekly basis. Since the floods in our area I lost the momentum to write weekly but I am back with renewed enthusiasm and some great recipes to share with you. After two of my courses being cancelled due to floods we were able to go ahead last week and what a fabulous 3 days were shared with 5 wonderful people. We had a full house. Five is the max and we made delicious foods. Hope you enjoy the photos.
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Kofta Balls in Pepita Sauce
We are almost half way through the vegan chef training for 2021. So far it has been incredible. Last week we finished module 3 – Ayurvedic Cuisine. For those who don’t know, Ayurvedic cooking is a practice that is thousands of years old and originated in India. It looks at what foods you can and can’t eat for your particular constitutional type (dosha) and any imbalances you may have in your body. Food is the first step to balancing your body and health. We spend three days on this way of cooking so participants get a good handle on it and learn to cook exceptionally delicious food with the limited ingredients available to them.
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